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ABA's 60th anniversary

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Message from our president

Congratulations to ABA on the 60th anniversary, I am looking forward to celebrating this incredible milestone with our members, volunteers, and supporters.   

Our anniversary year gives ABA the opportunity to reflect on what we have achieved in the past and look to meeting the expectations and needs of mothers and families into the next 60 years! There is still so much more for ABA to do to achieve its goals for breastfeeding to be seen as the norm for infant feeding and to see Australia as a breastfeeding friendly society.  

During our 60th year, the ABA Board looks forward to meeting up with as many members and volunteers as possible. We will also be looking at ways to affect policy and societal change to remove barriers for mothers to successfully breastfeed for as long as they choose to. Watch this space for further details as we celebrate our 60th anniversary. 

ABA's 60th anniversary year in pictures

Govt House NSW
Government House NSW afternoon tea: 12 Feb 2024
Mary Paton and Governor NSW
ABA Victoria Branch Conference: 9-11 Feb 2024
Fran Fiddian cuts VIC Branch 60th birthday cake
VIC Branch 60th birthday cake
QLD branch 60th birthday cake
QLD branch leadership team
ABA Queensland Branch Picnic in the park: 11 Feb 2024
Hamilton Group 60th birthday celebrations
ABA Hamilton Group, VIC: 7 Feb 2024
Hamilton Group 60th Birthday cake
ABA's 60th Birthday Zoom link-up
60th zoom link-up cake
60th zoom link-up group pic

What's on in ABA's 60th anniversary year

Connect and share free event

World Breastfeeding Week free webinar - 6 August 2024

Register for our free, live, World Breastfeeding Week webinar, 'Cyclones, bush fires, floods: being prepared in times of emergencies and crises.'

ABA 60th anniversary commemorative items for purchase...

Endless Love ABA 60th Anniversary rose

ABA 60th anniversary rose - Endless Love

Find out more about how to order a rose at your local nurseries or garden centre.

WA Branch 6th Anniversary mug

ABA 60th anniversary mug

Pre-order available

NMAA / ABA through the decades

Do you have suggestions for additions to the NMAA / ABA through the decades timeline? Please send them through!

Support ABA in our 60th anniversary year!

Regular donors help to ensure that ABA has the necessary resources available for our vital programs and services, now and into the future.

Become a regular donor

Woman holds newborn baby

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