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Workshop time

All times are scheduled in Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney time, please adjust to suit your time zone.


World Breastfeeding Week FREE event with guest speaker

Navigating the tough times - how breastfeeding helps you care for your baby

When motherhood creates vulnerability for you, breastfeeding can help you feel more connected and increase your ability to survive.


Guest speaker

Dr Karleen Gribble, Adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Western Sydney University

Karleen has a particular interest in supporting breastfeeding in situations of adversity including in emergencies and in the contexts of intergenerational trauma, child protection concerns and criminal justice involvement. For many years she has written reports to court to ensure that judges are able to consider the importance of breastfeeding to children in their decision making. She has just published a paper in Breastfeeding Review on supporting vulnerable women in their mothering through enabling skin-to-skin, breastfeeding and proximity. 

You will learn
  • The role of hormones during breastfeeding that support sleep and bonding 
  • How stressful situations impact caring for a baby
  • Helping mothers stay connected during ongoing stressful situations 
  • How breastfeeding supports mothers to meet multiple baby needs 

1.5 hours
