Gain confidence in returning to work by checking out our stories of other working mums.

Amanda's story
Before going on maternity leave in 2013 I approached my employer, a small not-for-profit organisation, about a flexible return to work. They were happy to negotiate an approach that worked for both of us which was a relief as I have three young children to juggle. I had intended on returning to work when my daughter was 8 months old but wasn’t comfortable leaving her in care at that age and don’t have family nearby to help. Instead I returned a bit earlier doing project work from home which allowed me to work at night rather than being available to speak with clients during office hours. This arrangement was in place until she was 12 months old. During this time I travelled interstate for work twice and expressed breastmilk at home in advance to leave for her. On returning to my regular contracted hours we agreed that I could continue to work from home. Rather than taking the paid lactation breaks provided by my employer I negotiated a reduction in my part-time hours instead. This has enabled me to spread my work hours over the week so that I can work in the afternoons. My husband has adjusted his hours and gets home earlier on my work days so that I can work through the baby’s sleep and he is there to care for her when she wakes up. The current arrangement is due to be reviewed when my little girl is 16 months. I’ve really appreciated that work has been open to discussion and finding the best solution for everyone throughout the process.
Rebecca's story
I returned to work when my son was 5 months old. I invested in a quality electric breast pump and combined expressing and going to feed him in my lunch break. It was tricky but I found people were very understanding and encouraging. Sometimes, it was incredibly tiring, but I knew it wasn't going to be forever and it was worth the hard work.
My daughter didn't accept a bottle and I was applying for a new job when I returned to work when she was 5 months. I was determined to negotiate conditions that would allow her to continue to be breastfed especially as she didn't accept food until she was 7 months old! I was surprised and relieved at the support I received from my new boss and colleagues. I would strongly encourage women to have the confidence to negotiate for conditions conducive to continuing breastfeeding their baby. My employer gives me adequate breaks to go and feed my daughter and in return he has a grateful and loyal employee!
I consider combining returning to work and continuing to breastfeed is one of my greatest and most satisfying achievements. I couldn't do it without the support and encouragement of my husband, employer and colleagues.
Katherine's story
I looked into returning to work when I was offered a part time position. It was a bit of a spontaneous decision and I was lucky enough to grab a childcare spot about 5 minutes from work.
My son was about 11 months old and he was breastfed. He fed about 12 times a day on average (or more than that J if I am honest); and wasn’t a terrific food eater due to a terrible case of reflux. I was concerned about the way that childcare, work and breastfeeding would work. I was very clear with the childcare service about what was needed and I spent a long time introducing Jacob into the childcare space and getting to know the carers. This helped his and my anxiety. He wasn’t a terrific sleeper or eater. However, The days he didn’t sleep at childcare he caught up on the way home from work or we had a big sleep in the first part of the night. He also started to eat better as the other kids were eating as well, so he gave into the peer pressure and ate the lunch that was provided through the childcare. I would drop him off in the morning and give him a breastfeed, then pop in before his lunchtime sleep and then when I picked him up I would feed him as well. On the days when we weren’t at childcare or working I would breastfeed him as normal. He flicked back and forth fairly easily. Jacob had also not been terrific at taking a bottle, but the childcare centre asked if he could have a bottle of expressed breastmilk in the afternoon, as he was really sad when all the other kids were having a bottle and he wasn’t.
From a work perspective I approached the organisation about taking regular breaks during the day to either drive to the childcare or express. This conversation then led to me writing the policy around breastfeeding and work. It helped that I worked in the policy area. I found that by not apologising for breastfeeding my son or our parenting choices that I made and embracing the new work me, made dealing with work much easier to deal with. I never tried to be the same work employee that I was prior to having my son. For the most part work was very open to the breaks or flexibility that I needed to work and breastfeed. It was busy and I will admit to more than once dropping my son off at childcare still in his pyjamas as we didn’t have enough time to have the morning breastfeed, breakfast, get me dressed and him dressed. But that was okay and it all mostly worked. He was in childcare for nearly 12 months until his younger sister was born and he played, laughed, cried and had a great time and I earned some money. All in all it was a positive experience.