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Breastfeeding an introduction

Breastfeeding: an introduction


Breastfeeding: an introduction provides a basic outline of the key aspects of breastfeeding.

40 pages

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Breastfeeding: an introduction provides a basic outline of the key aspects of breastfeeding.

It contains:

  • Information on why breastfeeding and breastmilk are important
  • Tips to prepare to breastfeed before your baby arrives
  • Details on how breastfeeding works
  • Instructions to help breastfeed in the early days after birth including useful diagrams and images
  • Common concerns that mothers may have in the early days of breastfeeding including sore nipples, engorgement, milk supply etc…
  • Tips to help you settle in at home with your baby
  • Why night feeds are important for your baby and your supply
  • Looking after yourself and your emotions with a new baby
  • Information for partners to help support you, the baby and breastfeeding
  • Ways in which a new baby may impact your sex life
  • How you and your partner may be feeling about sex after a new baby.