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Event details

Free webinar

Emergency resource collection online launch

- Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney Time


Free webinar

Workshop time

All times are scheduled in Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney time. Please adjust to suit your time zone.


The Australian Breastfeeding Association's Community Protection for Infants and Young Children in Bushfire Emergencies Project (ABA Bushfire Project) was started in response to the lack of support for families with babies and toddlers in Australian disasters. With funding from the Australian Government, the project team undertook research to identify what support and resources were needed to improve emergency support to families, and then worked with emergency and health organisations and community members to develop resources to fill that gap.

This webinar will present the suite of resources developed as a part of the project for parents, emergency relief workers, health professionals and anyone working with young children or parents. Join us as we describe how you can use the resources to support mothers and other caregivers of babies and young children in disasters.

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