Some herbal products are safe, others not so safe.

We often assume that herbal or ‘natural’ remedies are harmless but this isn't always true. Herbal products don’t need to have the same level of safety testing, or proof that they work, like prescription medicines do.
As a result, we know less about their side effects during breastfeeding.
Some herbal remedies are known to be quite safe when breastfeeding. Others have been shown to contain components that may not be safe. It’s a good idea to check before you take any herbs or supplements, especially if you are taking them at the same time as prescription medicines.
The Medicines Line (1300 633 424 or 1300 MEDICINE), can assist you with questions you may have about herbal products and over-the-counter or prescription medicines.
All states and territories
1300 633 424
1300 633 424
Medicines Information Centre
Women's and Children's Hospital
08 8161 7222
1300 633 424
Women's & Newborn Health Services
King Edward Memorial Hospital
08 6458 2723
1300 633 424
Further resources
- Lactmed, a free online database with information on medicines, herbal supplements and drugs in lactation, aimed at health professionals and the breastfeeding mother.
-, a reference page with a number of links about drugs in pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- Infant risk centre, a forum for questions from health professionals, but anyone can use the site as a guest.
The information on this website does not replace advice from your health care provider.
© Australian Breastfeeding Association March 2023