Yes, you can keep breastfeeding while you fast.

The following information is shared for the benefit of people who are part of cultures or religions that fast. It is also helpful reading for others who are interested in knowing more about fasting while breastfeeding.
Whether or not a breastfeeding woman fasts, and how she does so, is a choice for her to make. She can seek guidance on this from her religious leader if she is unsure.
Breastfeeding and Ramadan
Ramadan is a month-long religious observance by Muslims. It requires fasting (no food or drink) from sunrise to sunset. The length of the daily fast can vary from 12 to 16 hours, depending on whether Ramadan falls in the summer or winter months.
Fasting is required (although not seen as a hardship) for practising Muslims. Missed fasts must be made up for by fasting at a later date or by giving an amount of money to charity. This means most practising Muslim mums prefer to fast.
Breastfeeding and Yom Kippur
Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is an annual Jewish festival that usually falls around early October. It requires a 25-hour fast from food and drinks, from sundown to an hour after the next sundown.
Jewish mothers who are breastfeeding can consult a Rabbi or the Nishmat for more information about fasting for Yom Kippur.
Does fasting affect my breastmilk or baby?
Thousands of babies have mothers who fast for religious purposes each year without any effect on their health or wellbeing.
Research looking at the make-up of breastmilk during and after fasting shows:
There are no major changes to the energy content or key nutrients in breastmilk during and after a fast, and no effect on baby's growth.
There can be short-term changes to some vitamins and minerals in breastmilk during fasting.
While most of the research has looked at women fasting for Ramadan, these results may also reassure women observing other fasts.
Your breastmilk supply while fasting
Fasting doesn't usually affect your breastmilk supply.
Milk supply can decrease with severe dehydration, but research tells us that short-term fasting does not impact how much milk you make.
Tips for fasting while breastfeeding
Healthy mothers are likely to cope well with short-term fasting. However, it’s always a good idea to check with your doctor before fasting.
If you are breastfeeding and fasting, your baby will generally breastfeed as usual on the day of the fast, but might breastfeed more often for the next day or two. For a Muslim mum, your baby may breastfeed more often overnight.
You may like to drink more fluids (water is best) for a day or two before the fast. This helps you to be well hydrated when you begin the fast. Muslim mums may also like to drink more fluids during non-fasting times.
Some mums also avoid salty and spicy foods for a few days before the fast as these can make you feel thirsty. It may also help to avoid caffeine.
You may prefer to do fewer activities and stay out of the heat as much as possible during the fast.
You can make sure your baby remains well hydrated by continuing to breastfeed as normal and checking their nappy output.
More information for breastfeeding mothers who are planning to fast for Ramadan can be found in the downloadable resources below.
These were created with the support of the ACT Government under the ACT Health Promotions Grants Program.
© Australian Breastfeeding Association October 2024
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- Bener, A., Galadari, S., Gillett, M., Osman, N., Al-Taneiji, H., Al-Kuwaiti, M. H. H., & Al-Sabosy, M. M. A. (2001). Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan does not change the composition of breast milk. Nutrition Research, 21(6), 859-864.
- Haratipour, H., Sohrabi, M. B., Ghasemi, E., Karimi, A., Zolfaghari, P., & Yahyaei, E. (2013). Impact of maternal fasting during Ramadan on growth parameters of exclusively breastfed infants in Shahroud, 2012. Journal of Nutrition, Fasting and Health, 1(2), 66-69.
- Khoshdel, A., Najafi, M., Kheyri, S., Taheri, E., Nasiri, J., Yousefi, H., & Jafari, A. (2007). Impact of maternal Ramadan fasting on growth parameters in exclusively breast-fed infants. Iranian Journal of Pediatrics, 17(4), 345-352.
- Muslim Council of Britain. (2007). Ramadan health guide: a guide to healthy fasting.
- Neville, M. C., Sawicki, V. S., & Hay, W. W. (1993). Effects of fasting, elevated plasma glucose and plasma insulin concentrations on milk secretion in women. Journal of Endocrinology, 139(1), 165-173.
- Rakicioğlu, N., Samur, G., Topçu, A., & Topçu, A. A. (2006). The effect of Ramadan on maternal nutrition and composition of breast milk. Pediatrics International, 48(3), 278–283.
- Zimmerman, D. R., Goldstein, L., Lahat, E., Braunstein, R., Stahi, D., Bar-Haim, A., & Berkovitch, M. (2009). Effect of a 24+ hour fast on breast milk composition. Journal of Human Lactation, 25(2), 194-198.