Information and support from qualified breastfeeding counsellors

Looking for some support? Or just need someone to listen?
Call 1800 mum 2 mum (1800 686 268)
Free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
We are evidence-led and are proudly a judgement-free space.
Our Breastfeeding Helpline is staffed by qualified breastfeeding counsellors, who have breastfed and are passionate about supporting other mums and families on their individual journey - wherever it may take them.
Hundreds of our qualified volunteers unite from across Australia, from all walks of life, to answer your call every month. Supporting you is what nourishes us.
How we help
Our qualified counsellors know that breastfeeding may not always be easy. We provide information about how breastfeeding works to help you overcome common hurdles and to reassure you that you're doing the very best for your family.
Our free 24/7 service supports 60,000+ calls from families like yours every year. We are always here to help.
Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS)
If you need an interpreter, please call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) on 131 450 and ask them to telephone Breastfeeding Helpline on 1800 686 268. Our business hours are 24 hours.
Nếu cần thông ngôn viên, xin quý vị gọi cho Dịch Vụ Thông Phiên Dịch (TIS Toàn Quốc) qua số 131 450 và nhờ họ gọi cho Breastfeeding Helpline qua số 1800 686 268. Giờ làm việc của chúng tôi là 24 hours.
若你需要口譯員,請致電131 450聯絡翻譯和口譯服務署(TIS National),要求他們致電1800 686 268聯絡 Breastfeeding Helpline。我們的工作時間是 24 hours。
如果你需要口译员,请致电131 450联系翻译和口译服务署(TIS National),要求他们致电 1800 686 268联系Breastfeeding Helpline 。我们的工作时间是 24 hours。
Aν χρειάζεστε διερμηνέα, παρακαλείστε να τηλεφωνήσετε στην Υπηρεσία Μετάφρασης και Διερμηνείας (Εθνική Υπηρεσία TIS) στο 131 450 και ζητήστε να τηλεφωνήσουν Breastfeeding Helpline στο 1800 686 268. Οι ώρες λειτουργίας μας είναι 24 hours.
통역사가 필요하시면 번역통역서비스 (TIS National)에 131 450으로 연락하여 이들에게 1800 686 268번으로 Breastfeeding Helpline에 전화하도록 요청하십시오. 저희의 근무시간은 24 hours 입니다.
Если вам нужен переводчик, то позвоните в Службу письменного и устного перевода (TIS National) по номеру 131 450 и скажите переводчику, что вам нужно позвонить в Breastfeeding Helpline по номеру 1800 686 268. Наш распорядок работы: 24 hours.
Ако вам је потребан тумач, молимо вас да позовете Службу преводилаца и тумача (Translating and Interpreting Service - TIS National) на 131 450 и замолите их да позову Breastfeeding Helpline на 1800 686 268. Наше радно време је 24 hours.
Si necesita intérprete, llame al Servicio de Traducción e Interpretación - Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) al 131 450 y pídales que llamen a Breastfeeding Helpline al 1800 686 268. Nuestro horario de atención es 24 hours.
Tercümana ihtiyacınız varsa, 131 450 numaralı telefondan Yazılı ve Sözlü Tercüme Servisini (TIS National) arayınız ve sizi 1800 686 268 numaralı telefondan Breastfeeding Helpline ile görüştürmelerini isteyiniz. Çalışma saatlerimiz 24 hours.
National Relay Service
If you have a hearing or speech impairment, click through to access our services via the National Relay Service. Provide the Breastfeeding Helpline number - 1800 686 268.
Our training
Breastfeeding counsellors are qualified volunteers. All have completed a Certificate IV in Breastfeeding Education (or equivalent), and are continually updating their knowledge and skills.
They're also mums who have breastfed, and they intimately understand new parenting and breastfeeding challenges. They get it.
Please note: Counsellors cannot give medical advice. Their area of expertise is breastfeeding management. If you have a medical issue, they will refer you to your medical advisor.
* At particular times of the year, calls to the Breastfeeding Helpline are recorded for training purposes. Callers will be notified during our pre-recorded message if their call is being recorded. For more information, visit our privacy policy here
Living outside of Australia?
Mothers in the United States or Canada may like to contact the La Leche League International for assistance. Due to insurance issues, we cannot provide our counselling service to residents of the US or Canada.
Has an ABA volunteer helped you?
The lifeblood of the Australian Breastfeeding Association is our members, whose memberships enable us to provide our best-practice free counselling services. Please consider becoming an ABA member today.
Our funding
The Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) runs the National Breastfeeding Helpline. This 24/7 free service, is available on 1800 mum2mum (1800 686 268).
The National Breastfeeding Helpline is supported by funding from the Australian Government.