Breasts feeling empty? Baby feeding all day?

You’re not alone if you sometimes feel unsure if you’re making enough milk. But often the things that make us worry have nothing to do with supply.
If you’ve noticed changes in your baby’s behaviour or your breasts, here’s what might be going on.
Your baby
- Young babies feed very frequently, often 8 to 14 times or more in 24 hours. Some babies continue to do this even as they get older. Breastfeeding your baby as often as they want will help ensure they get the milk they need.
- Many young babies have very frequent feeds closer together for a period of time, often in the late afternoon or evening. This is sometimes called ‘cluster feeding’.
- Your baby may be fussy during a feed, coming on an off. Sometimes this is because the let-down is slower than usual. There are many ways to help your milk to flow.
- If your baby wants to feed all the time, they may be looking for comfort and closeness rather than more milk. Breastfeeding is very soothing for babies.
- When babies get older, their feeds often become shorter. As they get better at breastfeeding they can remove more milk from the breast in a shorter time.
- Breastfed babies usually have slower weight gains after the first few months, even though they are getting enough milk.
- If your baby won’t settle after a feed they may have other needs. They may be uncomfortable, tired or just want to be held. A top-up breastfeed can help.
- Sometimes the signs of too much milk can be mistaken for low supply. Baby may be fussy at the breast or want to feed often for comfort. Your breasts may feel soft, but there will be other signs of oversupply such as many wet and dirty nappies each day, and poos that are green, frothy or explosive.
Your breasts
If you have small breasts, you can still provide your baby with all the breastmilk they need. Your breast size doesn't make any difference to how much milk you can make. Your baby may just need to feed a little more often.
After a few weeks, many mothers find that their breasts have settled down and no longer feel as full. No matter their size, your breasts will still make the milk your baby needs.
If your breasts feel empty towards the end of the day, that can be normal too. When babies feed frequently and remove milk well from the breasts, they won’t feel big and full. This is a good sign. The more milk that's taken from your breasts, the faster they will make milk. You don’t have to wait for breasts to 'fill up'. Keep feeding your baby.
If you don’t feel your let-down reflex, it’s probably still working fine. Many mums don’t notice any physical sensations. Look for your baby’s sucking patterns. A rhythmical suck-swallow pattern with regular swallowing means your let-down is working and your baby is getting milk.
If you can't express much
If you can’t express milk, that’s okay. Expressing is a skill that many mothers take time to learn. The amount you can express isn’t the same as how much milk your breasts make. Most babies are more efficient at removing milk than a breast pump.
If you express straight after a breastfeed you may not get much at all. Your breasts are never empty but your baby will have taken most of what’s there. You can wait about half an hour and try again.
© Australian Breastfeeding Association December 2024
Find out more about milk supply
Evidence-led info and practical tips from our Breastfeeding Information Series
Breastfeeding: and your supply